Forgotten Treasures

Forgotten Treasure: Lone Catalysts “Due Process” (2002)


Back in my skater days I used to love watching skateboard videos and listening to the accompanying tracks. I actually got into hip-hop because I heard some Nas instrumentals on a Girl skateboards video called ‘Yeah Right’. These songs used to stick in my head so much that I was enticed into loving the genre.

I heard the instrumental to Due Process by the Lone Catalysts probably 6 or 7 years ago on a Rodney Mullen v Daewon Song video. The piano melody got stuck in my head to such an extent that I woke up in the middle of the night a couple of years ago and was compelled to track down and buy the track. The rap version proved to be even better than the instrumental. It’s got a great drum beat, incredible bass line and has some brilliant rapping from J Sands. It also features Talib Kweli before he was well known as one half of Black Star.

It’s no wonder that J Rawls, the producer from the Lone Catalysts went on to produce for Black Star, The Beastie Boys, Slum Village, El Da Sensei and many more.

Lone Catalysts - Due Process
Simon Hilder

Simon Hilder

An amateur DJ and music lover who hails from the English countryside. I first fell in love with music via hip-hop (thanks Nas) and have since branched out into all types of electronic/dance music, whilst maintaining my rap roots. Anyone who I can bore with nerdy music talk is a friend of mine.