Forgotten Treasures

Forgotten Treasure: Gino Soccio “You Move Me” (1982)

Disco Soul & Funk

To tie into the Forgotten Treasure theme this week which is forgotten Canadian Gems, I immediately thought of one track, Gino Soccio‘s jam “You Move Me” from 1982.

I could easily find myself listening to the intro of this track on repeat! I love the plucky guitar track that pans through the intro and comes back in through out the track. I also love how the heavily reverbed vocals are mixed in this track. They are pretty much in line with all the other instruments while the main attention goes to the panning cowbells. A major surprise to me is that this song has YET to be sampled (that I know of).

Gino Soccio is a very underrated but influencial Canadian disco producer, born in 1955 in Montreal. His heritage is Italian. Gino plays acoustic guitar, drums, synthesizers. In addition, he handles horn and string arrangements as well as lead vocals.

Matt Englund

Matt Englund

A recording engineer and producer/composer who grew up in a very musical family in Minnesota. Working for record labels and recording studio in such cities as San Francisco, Montreal, London, and Minneapolis. Currently composing music for video games and ad work in addition to producing for his own releases. Currently residing in San Francisco where record shops, music venues and music writing distract from the day to day responsibilities of life. You can listen to what I'm working on via my website ( or via my soundcloud (