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Forgotten Treasures

Forgotten Treasure : Starfire “Make the Most of It” (1978)

Record recommendations are the foundation of growing and learning through vinyl collecting. And when recommendations come from a renowned source they are even more essential. Case and point the Starfire LP was brought to my attention by Dj Day through  Read more  »

Future Classics

Future Classic: Pomo “The Other Day EP”

I’ve been following Montreal based producer Pomo for a minute who has been gaining steam with every release. Smooth remixes and vibey “beats” tracks are par for the course for anyone in the HuhWhatWhere roster, but to my ears Pomo  Read more  »

Dj Mixes

Mix of the Day: Doc Delay “Rajaz Mater”

Mixtapes can go from run of the mill to life-changing. New discoveries, track selection,pacing and mixing as well as theme and artwork are all critical componnents. Well Rajaz Mater by NYC’s Doc Delay has reached the apex of mixtapedom and  Read more  »

Forgotten Treasures

Forgotten Treasure: Hiroshi Fukumura “White Clouds” (1978)

Whether it be scotch or vinyl pressings, when the Japanese take something they admire and cherish on, they do it proper! It’s no secret that the Land of the Rising Sun is home to some of the most astute jazz  Read more  »

Forgotten Treasures

Forgotten Treasure: The Cyrkle “The Visit (She Was There)” (1967)

When asked what I listen to, I always explain how my musical progression coincided with my love of vinyl by stating: “I started looking for hip-hop breaks and now I listen to soft psych-folk”. Indeed I’ve expanded my horizons over  Read more  »