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Give The Drummer Some: Karriem Riggins On His Next Moves
If you haven’t heard of Karriem Riggins by now it’s time you got acquainted. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan Karriem picked up Jazz drumming at a very young age, and by 17 years old he was playing alongside Betty Read more »

Submerse Marks A Milestone With “Works”
The blending of genres and styles is becoming more present than ever with the introduction of the internet and the ever increasing accessibility of music creation and recording software. If you ask anyone who keeps an ear to the electronic Read more »

Future Classic: John Ellis “Evolution: Seeds & Streams”
Hailing from northern England on Gondwana Record comes pianist John Ellis with his latest LP entitled “Evolution: Seeds & Streams”. This is music that draws you in. Right from the very beginning of the first song, there is no urge Read more »

Bristol’s Barnaby Carter Shares the Inspiration For His Debut Album
It is a fundamental part of life that in order for something new to emerge, something old has to pass and give up its space and resources. This circulation between life and death is the source of everything beautiful. It Read more »

Future Classic: Daedelus “Labyrinths”
Daedelus’ “Labyrinths” is his first release on his own record label Magical Properties. “Labyrinths” is a very appropriate title for this album. The sounds twist and turn, pulling ideas from a ton of different styles and worlds. Some tracks are Read more »