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Exclusive Premieres

Exclusive Premiere: Photay “The People” (Penya Universal Riddim Mix)

We’re very happy to present this great remix from good friends of ours, out very soon on the always great Mexican Summer imprint! UK quartet, Penya, add their own percussion-driven take Photay’s “The People”, with a pounding beat, reverb drenched  Read more  »

Exclusive Premieres

Exclusive Premiere: Jimena Angel “Llamameya”

Jimena Angel’s seasoned experience as a vocalist, guitarist, DJ and producer brings depth to the fresh, new sound of her upcoming single, Llamameya, arriving September 11th. Showcasing the cultural hybridization of afro-latino rhythms characterized by Caribbean music, this tropical, electric  Read more  »

Exclusive Premieres

Exclusive Premiere: Scarlet Pines “Sunrise”

@Scarlet_Pines: “My partner Angie and I were lying in my garden watching the sun come up when I thought of the melody for Sunrise. The composition is an exercise in taking a melody and slightly twisting and changing it with  Read more  »

Exclusive Premieres

Exclusive Premiere: Paul Grant “Something Else” (Forthcoming DeepMatter Records)

MIMS is delighted to premiere ​”Something Else”, by California-based multi-instrumentalist and producer Paul Grant ​‘Something Else’ . Very laid back, hip hop meets jazz guitar vibes. The swing on the backbeat is also most as infectious as the main guitar  Read more  »

Exclusive Premieres

Exclusive Premiere: Solqlap Budapest X Emmavie “Fairy Tale” (Forthcoming on Noord Records)

MIMS is excited to premiere this absolutely luscious soul jam from the Solqlap Budapest collective in collaboration with singer/producer Emmavie. Perfect vibes for this early Autumn. Seven piece live band/producer/DJ collective, Solqlap Budapest, teams up with one of London’s most  Read more  »