Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #54
First MIMS Show of 2012 and the year is really starting off nicely, well musically speaking at least. We at MusicIsMySanctuary.com are now entering our 5th year and we’re very happy that the site is still growing, so thank you for being a part of it! Show #54 is mostly …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #53
Hey everyone, Here is the new show just in time for the holidays! The 53rd show in the Music Is My Sanctuary website, now in its fifth year. A lot of wonderful music to share in this edition of the MIMS Show, as usual, a bit of everything. Some old, …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #52
Here is over an hour and a half of the best of our musical discoveries. In this edition it is mostly about new tracks but there are a few disco, rare groove and northern soul classics hidden in there! Big big thanks to everyone who listened to the last show, …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #51
I took an extra week to make show #51 because since I only do the MIMS show once a month I want to absolutely love every track on there. So here it is, this month’s selection of over 30 tracks are some of my best discoveries. Although most of the …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #50
Pfew! I can’t believe I’ve made it to show #50. Time flies… What started out of very humble beginnings has evolved into the focal point of MusicIsMySanctuary.com. A monthly highlight and recap of my tireless research for those special songs, new and old. Everytime I make a MIMS show I …

Guest Mix #06: BETA HECTOR (UK)
Just got a really cool treat in the good ol inbox. An upfront and exclusive mix from Beta Hector (the founding member of funk band Baby Charles) who is signed to Tru Thoughts and about to release his first LP called “Sunbeam Insulin” out on October 18th in the US. …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #49
As MIMS steps into year 5, we are also one step closer to the landmark 50th show. Thanks to the great feedback and energy I get back from making these i’ve made it all this way! Show #49 features over 25 tracks that are all beautiful in their own way. …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #48 part 3 (4th Anniversary Special)
I had the pleasure today of playing for 3 hours on CKUT Radio in Montreal, my favorite radio station growing up in Montreal (i still remember taping hip-hop shows on friday nights when I was 14). It was a special extended show to mark the 4th year anniversary of MusicIsMySanctuary.com. …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #48 part 2 (4th Anniversary Special)
I had the pleasure today of playing for 3 hours on CKUT Radio in Montreal, my favorite radio station growing up in Montreal (i still remember taping hip-hop shows on friday nights when I was 14). It was a special extended show to mark the 4th year anniversary of MusicIsMySanctuary.com. …