Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #63
It’s official: Music Is My Sanctuary is now 6 years old! Gotta take a minute to thank everyone who has supported and enjoyed what we do for the past couple years; without your support i’m not sure we could have kept going. And also have to big up everyone who …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #62
Finally, after 5 long months of winter, the sun is back! So I decided to make this edition of the Music Is My Sanctuary show full of sunshine vibes. 30 nuggets ranging from soul, beats, latin, house, and hip-hop. Hope you discover some great tracks & artists. For those of …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #61
Once again, it’s been too long since the last MIMS Show (although we’ve put out two “off-series” mixes since then) so we’ve been really itching to share this round of discoveries with you all. Just under two hours of amazing tracks ranging from soul, jazz, house, beats and hip-hop. Every …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #60
Seems like we’ve been having a tough time sticking to the monthly pace of putting these shows out. Trust us, it’s not for lack of trying but sometimes when other projects get in the way that leaves less time for music hunting. And if there is one thing that has …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #59
Really sorry about the delay for this one. Usually try to keep to doing these shows every month but sometimes other projects get in the way. Recently we did our 5th edition of the now famous (or is it infamous?) 24 Hours of Vinyl marathon (check out the info on …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #58
Well, it’s official. We are now 5 years old! Five years of amazing music discoveries shared between music lovers. I would like to personally thank every collaborator and artist that has participated in building this wonderful platform these last years. I think the future is very bright for us and …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #57
Really sorry about the delay but we’ve been really busy putting together some good shows and and the last edition of our 24HoursofVinyl.com project. Adding to the madness, we are hosting a big party for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Music Is My Sanctuary. It will be on …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #56
A few days late with this one but hopefully the discoveries will make up for it! Been quite busy with a bunch of different projects including the 24HoursofVinyl.comevent that has been going very well. On the DJ-ing side of things I’ve been playing a bunch of cool shows and have a …

Music Is My Sanctuary – Show #55
#55 one week late but hopefully it makes up for it in dopeness! We made a Montreal special on LEFTO’s show last week, which is why we’re a bit late for this one. So here is the best of the past months’ discoveries! Tracklist 01. Tom Waits – Step Right …