Advent Calendar December 24th: X
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 (old/rare-ish/slept on) tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 24: X-O-Dus, X-Men, X-Clan, Xanadu & Sweet Lady, X Ray Pop, Xiomara Alfaro, Xasan Diiriye, Xaba and the Natives, …

Advent Calendar December 23rd: W
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 (old/rare-ish/slept on) tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 23: Witthuser & Westrupp, Wackies, Wendy & Bonnie, Was (Not Was), The Wizard & The Prince, Working Week, Walkin’ …

Advent Calendar December 22nd: V
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 (old/rare-ish/slept on) tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 22: Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Voices of East Harlem, Vinicius (and Odette Lara), Vin Gordon, Vainqueur (and Substance), Vex’d, Vincent …

Advent Calendar December 21st: U
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 (old/rare-ish/slept on) tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 21: Un Dos Tres y Fuera, Uptown Syndicate, Usje Sukatma, The Underwolves, Uku Kuut, Unfinished Business, Ultra-Red, UTU, Union …

Advent Calendar December 20th: T
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 20: Todd Rundgren, Tashan, TJ Hustler, Thomas Clausen, Tom Zé, Tamba Trio, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Tunde Mabadu, Those Guys, Toasty Back to …

Advent Calendar December 19th: S
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 19: Suzanne Menzel, Sarah Webster Fabio, Super 3, Simple Minds, Salma Agha, Steve Arrington, Skanna, Synetics, Scritti Politti, Suzanne Ciani Back …

Advent Calendar December 18th: R
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 18: Ralph Thomas, Rachel Sweet, Ras Menelik DaCosta, Ran Reed, Ruff Sqwad, Richard Pinhas, Raja Zahr, Rev Harvey Gates, Robert Wyatt, …

Advent Calendar December 17th: Q
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 17: Quarteto Nova Era, Quinteto Ternura, Sir Joe Quarterman, Quintonal, Q, QBase, Quadrant, QX1, Quiet Sun, Sidney Joe Qualls Back to …

Advent Calendar December 16th: P
25 Days of Discoveries, 10 tracks per day, 1 Letter. Forgotten Treasures hand-picked and presented by Lexis. Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I do! Day 16: Paul Bryan, Pages, Prince Far I, Pale Saints, Percee P, Pierre Barouh, Psyche/BFC, Pal Joey, Piero Piccioni, The Psychedelic Aliens …