Future Classic: Jesse Boykins III “The Perfect Blues”
I first heard Jesse’s ‘heart melting’ voice on ‘The Perfect Blues‘ when it was featured on the Red Bull Music Academy‘s Various Assets Madrid 2011 album released last February. Instantly I fell in love. Jesse’s succulent vocals soothe the ears like a big spoon of honey in Chai tea and …

Future Classic: Jayson Brothers “MCDE 1209”
Now this is our kind of house music right here. That late 90’s sound à la Mood II Swing with a new school twist. A really simple approach to house music that hits all the right spots. A really big EP from from the Motor City Drum Ensemble camp. Also …

Future Classic: Miles Bonny “2011 Bootlegs LP”
I’ve been meaning to write about this one for a while but ripping vinyl records sometimes seems like such a daunting task that it makes me months to actually do it. Well thankfully the record has now finally been posted on soundcloud so I can now share with you this …

Future Classic: BadBadNotGood “Bugg’n” (TNGHT Cover)
Regular readers will know that we have praised the talent of Toronto’s own instrumental jazz & hip-hop band BadBadNotGood on numerous occasions in the past, and this latest installment is no stranger to that feat. This time around, the kids cover TNGHT‘s “Bugg’n”, live at the Mad Decent Block Party …

Future Classic: High-Klassified “London Flexin”
Sometimes when you are drowning in a sea of new releases, re-issues, free mixtapes and so on, you end up missing some really crucial projects. Take this track called “London Flexin” coming from our own city that flew right under our noses. High Klassified, good homie and member of the …

Future Classic: EMAN & VLooper “E.M.M.A.N.U.E.L”
We are not the kind of website that posts about a record 5 minutes after getting the info about a new release. We like to let the music sink in and actually, you know, listen to it a few times? But in this case, we started working on it as …

Future Classic: Häzel “The Lost Tapes”
Hip-Hop & Soul French producer, Häzel just released a few days ago his project called “The Lost Tapes” on The Beat Down, a label based in Brooklyn, NY. He has collaborated with the likes of Onra, Slakah The Beatchild, Ebrahim, TFOX and Drake so that should give you an idea …

Future Classic: Cerrone “Hooked on you” (Kon Remix)
Sometimes a DJ’s edit are so good that they trump the OG. More often this happens with disco edits since the best parts are reworked and the cliché filler is gradually thinned out. But there are a selected few that have become Edit masters and Kon (of Kon & Amir …

Future Classic: Phony Ppl. “Nothing Special” EP
There is just something about hip-hop collectives that i’ve always loved. There seems to be an energy and honesty that comes out of groups that are more than 3-4 members. The Pharcyde, Little Brother, The Roots, Quakers and countless others all had that creativity that made them stand out in …