Future Classic: Jai Nitai Lotus “Something You Feel”
For the past 4 months I’ve been a hermit living under of cave of University books, which drastically limited my access to world of music especially good music the kind that wakes up your soul and really makes you feel something. During that time I made a handful of exceptions …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Tomates”
Just a few days before christmas and Kenlo Craqnuques, one of our favorite producers on our little planet hits us up with a brand new volume in his series of coloured themed plates. And like everything else he releases, it’s completely free. (But hopefully people at least realize the artistic and monetary value) Tomates, …

Forgotten Treasure: The Midnight Eez “Midnight Eez EP” (1995)
Every music nerd loves a good story about a rare record, a group that never got their due, a guy that bought a 20,000$ record for 50 cents or even the story this year that came out of this guy that bought a ton of J Dilla’s personal record collection …

Future Classic: J Rocc “Don’t Look Back”
We all know J-Rocc as the founding member of the Beat Junkies, and for his perennial DJ mixes. His “Sex Machine Today” mix is one of the best mixes ever(ask any of your favourite DJ’s and they would back that up in a heartbeat). I mean, come on, when Peanut …

Forgotten Treasure: Nightlife Unlimited “Peaches & Prunes” (Ron Hardy Edit)
This is a really funny one because we posted this years ago and I’ve been playing the track for ages now and I somehow got the titles of the A and B sides of the white label vinyl completely mixed up. We even played this on one of the earliest …

Forgotten Treasure: Shinehead “Try My Love” (1992)
If you’re a frequent visitor on MIMS and you know us a little bit then you probably know that we never take ourselves too seriously. We’re never too scared to make some borderline cheesy picks when it comes to forgotten treasures or future classics. It ain’t about how rare the …

Future Classic: L’Orange “The Mad Writer”
L’Orange is a beatmaker from North Carolina; he isn’t from a french speaking country, as the name might suggest. He has been putting out projects that are mostly instrumental hiphop for quite some time now. The new release, The Mad Writer, doesn’t have the same precise conceptual effort of his …

Forgotten Treasure: Steve Harvey “Tonight” (Francois K Remix) (1983)
Last night I came home after a long night of work and found a sweet new MIMS gem dug up by fellow disco homie Devon Eve. During the boogie breakdown I heard a guitar riff (4:02-4:09) that inspired a familiar-yet-mysterious melody in my head. The imaginary blend of both tracks …

Forgotten Treasure: Sumy “Funkin In Your Mind” (1982)
Sumy’s “Funkin In Your Mind” is a great funky throw back tune for all you smooth 80’s boogie lovers. And if you can’t really get on board with this beat, you most certainly can’t argue with the album cover – absolute gold! To consider this a forgotten treasure would be …