Future Classic: Kahn “Margeaux” (Idle Hands)
This one has been on constant repeat mode for the past 12 hours. A brand new one from Bristol producer KAHN (of the Young Echo Collective), not to be confused with the also dope KUHN. Kahn has also previously released stellar stuff on Punch Drunk and Box Clever. Got the …

Future Classic: Kanye & Jay-Z & Frank Ocean “No Church in the Wild” (Video)
Let’s hope people in the streets of Montreal don’t get any ideas from this one. If the government doesn’t handle this situation and keeps playing hide and seek it could turn into this… But on the real, a beautiful and powerful video from Romain Gavras for what was my favorite …

Forgotten Treasure: Mountain Brothers “Paperchase” (1998)
Another great example behind why we started the forgotten treasures selections. Before being introduced to this one track I had absolutely no idea about the existence of this group, yet I am a fairly knowledgable hip-hop head. But now, thanks to the homie Dj Cosmo, we have three albums from …

Forgotten Treasure: David Benoit “Life is like a Samba” (1979)
Once again, we walk away for another edition of our 24 Hours of Vinyl event having discovered sooo many good music. Each DJ from the 4th edition introduced us to some gems that we probably would have missed and will now beat on regular rotation for years to come. Each …

Future Classic: DSTR “Reconstructed Memories”
These days in Quebec, it seems like a perfect time to reminisce about the past. You could think that the second album from DSTR, called Reconstructed Memories which is made from sampling of Quebec recordings spanning from the 50’s throught the 80’s is a little gimmicky. But that would be …

Forgotten Treasure: Miles Davis “My Funny Valentine” (1964)
Ok Ok saying Miles Davis and Forgotten in the same sentence is pretty ridiculous, I know. Davis is a name that has and will continue to surpass time because of the amazing musician he was and the epic life he lived. But hear me out, see recently my mother has …

Forgotten Treasure: Coco Steel & Lovebomb “Jet Cadet” (Acid Mix)
Coco Steel & Lovebomb. The name, which could be suitably affixed to any cheesy synth pop band from the 80’s, actually belongs to a british electronic trio whose productions feed on the 90’s garage movement, soul and a lil bit of that disco. The 90’s were their hayday, and at …

Future Classic: Jeb Loy Nichols “Hard Times”
I’ve been sitting on this one for a little while now, I’ve been meaning to include it in a MIMS Radio Show but everytime it slipped my mind. And then today I was writing about the sad state of affairs right now in Montreal and I was thinking about a …

Future Classic: Jazz Collective “Jazz Collective LP”
I really wanted to keep this one all to myself and put it out on my next MIMS radio show but good things are made to be shared! Big up to the homie Lefto for putting me on to this one. Japan has had an amazing cutting edge jazz scene …