Forgotten Treasure: Talking Heads “Cross Eyed and Painless” (1985)
Was doing a studio session with good friend Scott C aka The Incubator and I was talking about my latest string of forgotten treasures posting that are on the “obscure pop” side of things. He told me I had to check out this video on IG Culture‘s website. Sooo dope. …

Future Classic: Planet Asia “Boiler Makers” (Produced by Madlib)
Always been a fan of Planet Asia. Like so many top underground MC’s he never got his due and broke through past the backpack hip-hop lovers like moi. Also if you don’t know too much about Planet Asia I suggest you also check out Cali Agents his old project with …

Forgotten Treasure: Frida (ABBA) “There’s Something Going On” (1982)
Ok I gotta give credit where credit is due. My friend (and part mentor) Christian Pronovost put me on to this one. The dude is a living encyclopedia of club music of all kinds, from house, afro to electro rap. (Keep an ear out for his Lost Heroes productions and …

Forgotten Treasure: The System “You Are In My System” (1982)
My homeboy Phil Larochelle (check his Mixcloud page!) sent me this nugget today. I knew the Robert Palmer version of this track but I don’t think I had ever heard that track. You can be pretty sure an act is gonna be an act is destined to be a one …

Forgotten Treasure: Don Carlos “I’m not crazy” (1984)
It’s a snowy sunday morning in Montreal. You know, that Walt Disney type of snow. It might be just me but for some reason I like to listen to reggae in those type of moments, like to convince myself that the worst of winter is behind us and that next …

Future Classic: 2562 “Aquatic Family Affair”
“Dave “2562” Huismans marked a significant step forward for bass music in 2009 on Unbalance, where his marriage of dub techno, inventive drum programming, and hazy UK garage textures improved upon his Aerial by miles and makes for one of the few flawless dubstep-borne full-lengths to date. In fact, driven …

Future Classic: Miles Bonny & Taku “Down to earth club music”
Every now and then when I’m working on my upcoming podcast I get these little writers block I guess you can call them. A couple of days where I’m just lacking the motivation to continue my digging efforts. Then a song like this comes along and unclogs my creative juju …

Future Classic: Shash’U “Untitled #1”
Montreal is on a tear these days! There are tons of dope MTL producers peaking right now and are just ready to blow up! I knew that Shash’U was doing good things from little bits I heard here and there but the homie finally gave me a beat tape at …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Turquoise” – Preview
Ohhhhwweeee! Two upfront preview tracks before the brand new Craqnuques edition from Quebec’s own Kenlo. “Turquoise” will be the 7th installment of the Craqnuques series which has been getting mad praise from beat heads and selectors from Amsterdam to Tokyo. Judging from the first two tracks that Kenlo sent me it’s gonna …