Future Classic: Oddissee “You Know Where You Are” (Accoustic Version)
You might have heard this one at the very end of our latest radio show (check it out here if you haven’t yet). A very beautiful little nugget from Oddissee and Olivier Daysoul. Taken from Oddissee’s recent and truly excellent album called “People Hear What They See”. Another album coming …

MR. GUAN presents “My Favorite Tracks from TLM Records”
I’ve been wanting to link up with The Loud Minority for a long time now. They are a crew / dj collective out of Vienna, Austria and have been doing their thing for 8 years now and I’ve always been told to respect my elders heheh. No but really I …

Future Classic: Label Love Compilation “Vol.4”
These days in the music industry, the words free and compilation don’t capture my attention as much as they used to. A record can be 30$ on Bandcamp like the most recent LP from Japan’s Jazz Collection and i’ll buy it if it’s good. So the most important characteristic remains …

Forgotten Treasure: Tihomir Pop Asanović ”Majko Zemljo” (1974)
Here is a great record from my current trip to Europe. It was introduced to me by my good friend and faithful MIMS listener Marija in Podgorica, Montenegro. She was telling me that when she told her parents a while ago that she wanted a turntable and some monitors, that …

Future Classic: Tall Black Guy “Tempo Dreams”
Faithful readers of MIMS already know that Tall Black Guy is one of our favorite producers around. We probably play a track of his every other show, and the other half of the time, well we probably should have! TBG is a Detroit native, so in addition to his skills with …

Forgotten Treasure : Diane Tell “En pleurer ou en rire” (1977)
Producers of soulful and funky musique Québecoise during the late 70s and early 80s weren’t so numerous. I’m thinking of the duo JF William & Serge Laporte known as Bill, Georges Thurston also known as Boule Noire who ran the Magique record label around that time. As for female singers/composers, …

Forgotten Treasure: Gloria Gaynor “Real Good People” (1975)
If you’re like me, you may have a decent chunk of records in your collection that, for one reason or another, have yet to be discovered. When it comes to music I tend to bite off more than I can chew, but somewhere deep in my subconscious I know that …

Future Classic: Freddie Joachim “The Joachim Remixes Vol. 5”
As always the boys at Moovmnt are on point when it comes to digging out the fuego! This is a new remix package from Freddie Joachim, a producer from San Francisco who we love here at MIMS. The 19 track remix project tackles classics like Little Dragon, Q-Tip, Corrine Bailey …

Future Classic: Modlee & VLooper “Sunwalk EP”
Another piece of great news. Just in time for our documentary on the Montreal Beat Scene called “Piu Piu” another one of our homegrown heavyweights, VLooper & Modlee are dropping a wonderful project and this time it’s a release through the good people of Soulection from Cali. V&M are pretty …

Forgotten Treasure: Spontaneous Overthrow “All About Money” (1984)
Pretty much the definition of what a forgotten treasure is right here! Very odd yet beautiful slice of synthesized experimental soul music from a group called Spontaneous Overthrow. Nathaniel Woolridge and Anthony Freeman, two friends from Newark, New Jersey decided to press this LP on their start up label called …

Forgotten Treasure: David Benoit “Life is like a Samba” (1979)
Once again, we walk away for another edition of our 24 Hours of Vinyl event having discovered sooo many good music. Each DJ from the 4th edition introduced us to some gems that we probably would have missed and will now beat on regular rotation for years to come. Each …

Kenny Dope’s Five Favorite (Priceless) 45’s
Just to get us in the vinyl mood in time for the 4th edition of our 24 Hours of Vinyl event (this friday). Here is a 7″ rundown from one of our favorite producer / DJ’s mister Kenny “Dope” Gonzalez from KayDee Records and part of the legendary Masters At …