Future Classic: Omar “Dancing” produced by Zed Bias
Ohhhh my lord. An absolute instant classic. The Zed Bias and Omar tag team strike again. Last year they teamed up on the Maddslinky record for the absolute dancefloor bomb “Special” which was for me the single of 2010. “Dancing” picks up where “Special” left off. A perfect mixture of …

Future Classic: The Weeknd “House of Balloons”
I’ve been hearing some good things about this up and coming singer-songwriter from Toronto called THE WEEKND. But until you listen to it you can never be quite sure what the hype is all about and if it’s about more than the guy wearing the right t-shirt and cap. Veryyy …

Future Classic: Raphael Saadiq “Good Man”
“As any connaisseur of modern Soul and R&B, ask anyone and they’ll tell you Raphael Saadiq is amongst those most renowned and respected. A figurehead with credentials stretching as far back as we at PinBoard remember in our bibs; weather handed down Toni Tony Tone cassettes, bumping Ummah (Saadiq, Tip …

Little Dragon & PS22 Chorus “Twice”
“On Monday night Little Dragon performed on the Jimmy Fallon show, then yesterday they trekked out to Staten Island to see New York’s other landmark music fans—the Oscar-closing, loved-by-Oprah PS22 Chorus. Yukimi led a 65-voice version of “Twice” Then the kids cover, in nice and proud loud voices, the essential …

Forgotten Treasure: Gino Soccio “You Move Me” (1982)
To tie into the Forgotten Treasure theme this week which is forgotten Canadian Gems, I immediately thought of one track, Gino Soccio‘s jam “You Move Me” from 1982. I could easily find myself listening to the intro of this track on repeat! I love the plucky guitar track that pans …

Fullrange’s Sexy Soul | Volume Trois
This is the third cloudcast of my sexy soul selection. This mix featured the soulful and sexy voice of James Blake, Jamie Woon, Jamiroquai, Mayer Hawthorne, Quadron, Nina Simone and Kissey Asplund. Big up for the two Canadian include in cloudcast: The Weeknd and Shad. Incredible hip-hop production from France …

Future Classic: Belleruche “Backyard” (KidKanevil Remix)
I have to admit that I kind of slept on this one a little, honestly the Tru Thoughts label have been putting out so much good stuff that sometimes it’s hard to keep up! This nice little downtempo remix was released with the “Fuzz Face” single, which was released following …

Forgotten Treasure: Oran “Juice” Jones – The Rain (1986)
Ok so I know it’s been a streak of a couple really cheesy selections of our forgotten treasures segment, but to me it’s a very fine line between awesome cheese and smelly old cheese. And as you know, well… we know the difference. Anyways, today’s suggestion is from my homie …

Forgotten Treasure: Talking Heads “Cross Eyed and Painless” (1985)
Was doing a studio session with good friend Scott C aka The Incubator and I was talking about my latest string of forgotten treasures posting that are on the “obscure pop” side of things. He told me I had to check out this video on IG Culture‘s website. Sooo dope. …

Forgotten Treasure: Frida (ABBA) “There’s Something Going On” (1982)
Ok I gotta give credit where credit is due. My friend (and part mentor) Christian Pronovost put me on to this one. The dude is a living encyclopedia of club music of all kinds, from house, afro to electro rap. (Keep an ear out for his Lost Heroes productions and …

Forgotten Treasure: The System “You Are In My System” (1982)
My homeboy Phil Larochelle (check his Mixcloud page!) sent me this nugget today. I knew the Robert Palmer version of this track but I don’t think I had ever heard that track. You can be pretty sure an act is gonna be an act is destined to be a one …

Future Classic: Miles Bonny & Taku “Down to earth club music”
Every now and then when I’m working on my upcoming podcast I get these little writers block I guess you can call them. A couple of days where I’m just lacking the motivation to continue my digging efforts. Then a song like this comes along and unclogs my creative juju …