Future Classic: Melodiesinfonie “Wohlklänge EP”
We get so many “beat tapes” or instrumental records that it’s been hard to keep track, and frankly it’s pretty rare that a new player jumps out at you. But these last few weeks / months we’ve been really feeling the work of the young Swiss producer by the name …

Forgotten Treasure: The X-Ecutioners “The Turntablist Anthem” (1997)
That super familiar line, “Hey DJ won’t you play that song” has a source, and the other night I had a moment while watching a classic music video that took me back to an X-Ecutioners track. In my high school days, I remember adoring this track; played it on repeat …

Skratch Bastid & Cosmo Baker “Songs we listened to a lot in 2012”
>From Skratch Basid: “Music ‘year end’ lists are great. They give listeners and readers a chance to look at the year as a whole and take in what has happened in the past 12 months in this fast moving, content driven art world we live in. We can reflect on …

Future Classic: Ta-ku “25 Nights for Nujabes”
Ta-ku is truly one of the most talented and prolific new producers out there but not only that, the guy is mad generous too. Last year the Australian producer started a project that was pretty ambitious: a 50 day tribute to the late J Dilla, one production per day, an …

The Narcicyst “Leap of Faith” (video by Marquis Montes)
Back in October 2012 The Narcicyst dropped another amazing EP entitled Leap of Faith. The Narcicyst always serves downright quality music and lyrics so it was no surprise that this EP started popping up on all respectable music blogs. What’s interesting though is that this EP is only a fraction …

Forgotten Treasure: Kazi & Madlib “A.V.E.R.A.G.E” (2000)
I was DJing on New Years at The Goods event in Montreal which is always one of my favorite crowds to play for and my good friend Scott C was playing this one track that caught my attention about 5 seconds into it because it was one of those tracks …

Future Classic: Ryan Hemsworth “Last Words”
What I like the most about this time of year (no, it’s not eggnog) is that I can catch up on some music I might have missed; one exemple is the Last Words EP by Ryan Hemsworth, a 9 track affair that was released in September (although at 37 minutes, …

Future Classic: Jai Nitai Lotus “Something You Feel”
For the past 4 months I’ve been a hermit living under of cave of University books, which drastically limited my access to world of music especially good music the kind that wakes up your soul and really makes you feel something. During that time I made a handful of exceptions …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Tomates”
Just a few days before christmas and Kenlo Craqnuques, one of our favorite producers on our little planet hits us up with a brand new volume in his series of coloured themed plates. And like everything else he releases, it’s completely free. (But hopefully people at least realize the artistic and monetary value) Tomates, …

Classic Mixes: J Rocc “Sex Machine Today” (2001)
It’s no secret to all you frequent MIMS readers that we have tons of love for J-Rocc, the world famous Beat Junkie. One of THE dudes we love as much behind the decks and the production board. We posted an article a few days ago about a new J-Rocc track …

Forgotten Treasure: The Midnight Eez “Midnight Eez EP” (1995)
Every music nerd loves a good story about a rare record, a group that never got their due, a guy that bought a 20,000$ record for 50 cents or even the story this year that came out of this guy that bought a ton of J Dilla’s personal record collection …

Freddie Joachim “Fiberglass Kisses” (LP)
Fiberglass Kisses is the fourth full-length album produced by Southern California producer, Freddie Joachim. The album’s sound is a collection of Hip Hop, Soul, and Electronic music, with the overall theme, “Love.” It features talented artists, Carlitta Durand, Miles Bonny, Mar, L. Santiago, and J. Mitchell, with a remix by …