It's The New!MIMS Shows

IT’S THE NEW! Rafa Aslan “Again and Again” (Hosted by Lexis)

In this brand-new interview series, we invite artists we love to present their newest work in their own words. We felt that too often, album releases are reviewed by music journalists who interpret and give the record a rating based on their personal viewpoints (and sometimes biases). This is why we wanted to give the floor directly to the artists. The host is simply there to help carry the conversation.

We go behind the scenes and dig into the inspirations, context, and emotions that went into making the record.

There’s no better way to start this series than with our talented friend Rafa Aslan’s newest album, titled Again and Again.

Album Link —>

Tracks Played:
Rafa Aslan “NYC ID (U+I)
Rafa Aslan “What If We Added Vocals”
Rafa Aslan “Moss B”
Rafa Aslan “Strat On The Cutting Board”



Montreal-based DJ and the founder (2007) and 24 Hours of Vinyl (2011).