Kenlo Craqnuques’ “Wheeels” EP takes Funk into Deep Space
via Hot Shot Sounds: Future dancefloor space funk taken from the upcoming WHEEELS EP from Kenlo Craqnuques Potentially the love child of Old Dirty Bastard and Madlib. Kenlo is an enigma not known to many, but soon to be a household alongside legends. Already at the forefront of the long …

Future Classic: KNLO “Long Jeu”
Knlo (aka Kenlo, aka Kenlo Craqnuques) remains one of Montreal’s best kept secrets. Ask anyone in the beats / hip-hop scene and they will all swear that he is one of the most talented, influential and unique artists we have. And as for the worldwide perspective, he deserves to be mentioned …

Tribute to KENLO CRAQNUQUES – Selected by LEXIS
I love our tribute mix series which, like the website, covers a wide range of genres from house masters to jazz legends back to more experimental beats. This is one that has been on my mind for some time. Kenlo Craqnuques is one of our homegrown heroes (grew up in Quebec …

Exclusive Preview: KENLO CRAQNUQUES “Rue Sicard”
For anyone who has been following us these past 7 years, it’s no secret that we are huge fans of the Montreal-based producer known as KenLo Craqnuques, along with his Alaclair Ensemble crew. The reputation of Montreal electronic producers has been on the rise with cats like Kaytranada, Jacques Greene, …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Chaude chaleur”
Usually when it comes to picking tracks / records for our Future Classics & Forgotten Treasures section we like to give the piece some context and explain why it touches us so much… But F*** it. Today is sunday, it’s sunny outside and this is just a no brainer! New …

Future Classic: Booty Based Mob “Volume 2”
With their second installement, the Booty Based massive brings a boatload of based beats that resound through your sound system with the unmistakable thump they’ve made their name on. Showcasing some of MTL’s brightest beatmakers, local GAWD KenLo Craqnuques is given the honor of opening/closing the ceremony with a molten, …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Tomates”
Just a few days before christmas and Kenlo Craqnuques, one of our favorite producers on our little planet hits us up with a brand new volume in his series of coloured themed plates. And like everything else he releases, it’s completely free. (But hopefully people at least realize the artistic and monetary value) Tomates, …

“PIU PIU” Documentary : Exploring the Montreal Beats Scene
Today is a pretty special day for us at MusicIsMySanctuary. We are having a release party for a project we’ve been working on for a little while now. The idea was to do a documentary on the actual state of the Montreal beats scene which we affectionately call “PIU PIU” …

“PIU PIU Documentary” – Exclusive Free Beatape
Well, it’s finally time to tell you about a project we’ve been involved in for a couple months now. We are helping put together a documentary on the on the very inspiring beat scene we have in Montreal these days. It’s called “PIU PIU: Exploring the Montreal Beat Scene” A …

Future Classic: Kenlo Craqnuques “Forêt Boréale Mixte”
Our man Kenlo Craqnuques keeps up the crazy pace we’re now used to from him. In fact, probably the only guy dishing out the niceness at this frequency is someone I like to compare Kenlo to a lot, the Beatkonducta known as Madlib. We’re happy to see “Forêt Boréale Mixte” …

Future Classic: Monk.E “Né au Bronx”
In 2007, multidisciplinary artist/contemporary troubadour Monk.E quietly dropped his sophomore set Entre Mektoub et Autodestruction. It documented his transition from vandal to visionary and the path undertaken in order to bridge that chasm. I met him in the days of the rap dojo on St-Antoine and got to witness his …

Spotlight: Kenlo Craqnuques (Quebec / Montreal)
Download the complete Craqnuques collection from KENLO. Noir, Orange, Rose, Mauve, Bleu