James Pants “Beat Archive / Failed Rap Beats (’04-’08)

Beats Hip-Hop

In 2011, is giving away free music still an a worthy incentive? Well, quite simply when the music behind it then yes. In this case, it’s coming from a very reliable source: Stones Throw‘s James Pants.

Download JP Beats(Right-Click Save as:)

via James Pants: “I bring forth the first installment of the Beat Archive; a 51-piece vast collection of oddities, soddities, and heresies from back in the days when I thought I could be a rap producer. Never worked out so well. But regardless, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to use for your own purposes, and spread around.

[ed. note: this was originally titled JP Beat Archive #1: 2001-2007, but upon further inspection, there is only one from 2001, so I can’t fully claim that title. Mostly 2004-2008 I realized. sorry for the confusion. I also misspelled “sincerely” in the original post.]


James P”



Montreal-based DJ and the founder MusicIsMySanctuary.com (2007) and 24 Hours of Vinyl (2011).