Future Classics

Future Classic: John Ellis “Evolution: Seeds & Streams”


Hailing from northern England on Gondwana Record comes pianist John Ellis with his latest LP entitled “Evolution: Seeds & Streams”.

This is music that draws you in. Right from the very beginning of the first song, there is no urge to skip ahead, to scan and decide whether or not this is something worth listening to. For some reason, you just instantly know that it is. Personally, this is one of my favourite qualities of well, anything really! When you know right away that it’s there. When you can just press play and go, never losing interest, never being thrown off in a different direction. It’s pure enjoyment start to finish!

In terms of some of the instruments on the record, I’m really excited that Ellis decided to incorporate a couple Koras into the mix. They always seem to add an element of spirituality or otherworldliness which when paired up with synthesizers always adds a cool juxtaposition to everything. Also, having interspersed beatboxing throughout maintains the human element associated with the necessary improvisation that just needs to exist when dealing with Jazz Music! Altogether, John Ellis really delivers with this one, and I am happy to have heard it.

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Mike Jones

Mike Jones

Hailing from beautiful British Columbia, Canada Mike now resides in Montreal where he makes music under his solo moniker avroARROW, and also plays in a mysterious five person band known as THE DEATHLY ILLS. At Music Is My Sanctuary, he is the head of Content Management.